Address: E-82 Block 4,
Karachi – Pakistan
Contact Numbers:
+92 21 34800932
+92 335 2806611
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- sets clear learning objectives in English, Mathematics, Arabic, General Knowledge, Tarbiah, Ahadith, Nazra and supplications for each level of Montessori.
- focuses on developing knowledge and skills in core subjects which form an excellent foundation for future study.
- provides a natural progression throughout the years of primary education.
- is compatible with the Islamic values, sensitive to different needs and teachings of Islam.
- focuses on learner’s Tarbiah in each year and develops children mentally and spiritually through Tarbiah classes.
- develops children socially (Islamic etiquettes, understanding society & general behaviour).
- develops children emotionally (controlling anger, celebrating happy moments & decision making)
- provides learners with the benchmarks and models (the character of Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and Sahaba Rizwanullahi Alaihim Ajmaeen) based on the teachings of Quran and Ahadith and are encouraged to apply in their life.
- maintains balance between academics and extracurricular activities.
Age Groups
Play group (1.6—2.5 years)
Reception (2.6 – 3.5 years)
Junior (3.6 – 4.5 years)
Senior (4.6 – 5.5 years)
Enhanced Learning Environment (ELE)
- Effective use of technology for effective teaching and learning.
- Montessori Section is also well equipped with digital cameras, multimedia, scanners and printers to help children explore and learn in more meaningful ways than before.
Employee of the Month (October)
Sabah Shams
Javeria Shahbaz
Student of the Month (October)
Saad Amir (Senior Al. Ghani)
Afsah Hareem Sheikh (Senior Khadija Tul Kubra)
The Montessori Section is divided into the following four subunits called ‘houses’ to compete with one another